: FSMP post-doctoral fellow at IMJ-PRG,
Paris, in Equipe de Logique Mathématique. With Tamara
: Post-doctoral position at
Universität Konstanz. With Salma
2018–: PhD at
Université de Mons,, and Institut Polytechnique de Paris.
Under the supervision of Françoise
2017–: Master's
year, Mathématiques
Fondamentales, ex-Université Paris Diderot.
: Prepared and passed the teaching exam
Agrégation de mathématiques at Université
Claude Bernard.
: Master's degree,
year, Mathématiques, Université Claude Bernard,
Villeurbanne, France.
: L3 in mathematics at ENS de Lyon.
: Prep school in mathematics, physics and
computer science at Lycée Michel Montaigne, Bordeaux.
–2025: Supervision
of the master thesis of Shaun
year master student at Universität Konstanz).
: Two lectures on
spherically complete elementary extensions of
, as part of Tamara
: Teaching at Universität Konstanz:
Organising the Fachseminar on Algebra and Logic for Masters students in Konstanz
Unviersität, with Lasse
Teaching the Introduction to model theory lecture for master students.
Ten lectures on transseries, for PhD students and Mitarbeiter from the Algebra Group at Universität Konstanz.
2019–2021: I supervised one-month-long introduction to research internships for undergraduate students at Université de Mons:
2019: Cédric Pilatte, on “Atomic integer parts”.
2020: Justin Vast, on “Fields of transseries and surreal numbers”.
2021: Maximilien Forte, on “Some problems of arithmetic in valued fields”.
2018: Research internship (3 months), “Surreal
substructures” with Joris
2016: Research internship (2 months), “Algebra and model
theory of transseries as a valued differential field” with
2015: Research internship (1 month), “An introduction to
o-minimality” with Pierre